Welcome to Hayden Pest and Weed Control!

"My goal is to provide our services in a family-oriented, educational manner. I get great enjoyment out of teaching my customers and their children about plants and animals. Through this perspective, we are able to learn about perceived pests, then together, we will determine areas of concern and the best approaches to establishing control. The best part is we get to have fun while doing it."

-Travis Ulrich, M.S. - Owner, Entomologist

Learning about Pests in Lewiston and Clarkston

Learning About Pests


Hayden Pest Control, located in Lewiston, Idaho, provides comprehensive pest control and prevention to residential and commercial clients of the Lewiston and Clarkston valley, and surroundinga areas of Idaho and Washington. Let our Entomologist design a treatment program specific to your particular pest, your situation, and your expectations. Not sure what your pest is? We provide free pest identification. Contact us with questions, to get a free estimate, identify a pest, or to schedule a free consultation.

By default, Hayden Pest opts for the best combination of techniques using integrated pest management (IPM). With expert pest knowlege and a well-rounded IPM plan, we are able to provide exceptional control and prevention while keeping pesticide use at a minimum. As needed, we will incorporate the use of low-toxicity, target-specific products, and we will strategically apply them in a manner that is both safe and maximizes effectiveness.

Spider Control Lewiston, Idaho

Spider Control

Wasp  Control

Wasp Control

Commonly Ordered Pest Control Services:

1) Perimeter Spray: creates a repellant barrier around the home that deters pest entry.
2) Landscape spray: pest prevention in the lawn, on trees, shrubs, and other ornamentals.
3) Crack & Crevice: indoor treatments to prevent pests, often paired with a perimeter spray.
4) Specific Pests: most common is ant control, spider control, wasp control, and rodent control.
5) Dormant spray: prevent insect and fungal infections on fruits and ornamental trees and shrubs.

Guarantee: All work carries a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Pest Control Services:

Baiting Fungicide Sprays Termite Treatments
Dusting Lawn Sprays Trapping
Debris Removal Landscape Sprays Tree Injections
Diagnosis and Identification Perimeter Sprays Tree and Shrub Sprays
Dormant Sprays Pre-treatments Wall Void Injections
Exclusion Pest Removal WDO Inspections

Common Pests Targeted:

Ants Chafers Leaf Curl
Aphids Cockroaches Locust Borer
Bed Bugs Drain Flies Mice
Bees Earwigs Millipedes
Beetles Fleas Mites
Billbugs Flies Pantry Pests
Black Widow Fungus Gnats Powdery Mildew
Borers Hornets Rats
Boxelder Bugs Gophers Scale Insects
Carpenter Ants Grasshoppers Sod Webworm
Centipedes Lawn Diseases Spiders
...and many other pests!


Hayden Weed Control, located in Lewiston, provides specialized weed control and prevention to residential and commercial customers of the Lewiston and Clarkston valley, and surrounding areas of Idaho and Washington. Let us design a weed control program specific to your weeds, your situation, and your expectations. Not sure what your weed is? We provide free weed identification. Contact us with questions, to get a weed identified, or to get a free estimate.

With expert knowlege and a well-rounded IPM plan, we are able to provide exceptional control and prevention while minimizing pesticide use.

Weed Control Lewiston, Idaho

Healthy Lawn

Commonly Ordered Weed Control Services:


Lawn preemergent, Landscape preemergent

Lawn preemergents and landscape preemergents are safe on existing plants, but control weeds by preventing the seeds from germinating.

Gravel Pre-emergents

Gravel Sterilant Lewiston Clarkston

Use bareground and gravel preemergents designed to keep plants from growing in these areas for extended periods of time.  Commerical and Residential.

Lawn Spraying

Lawn weed control lewiston clarkston

Treat the lawn to control lawn pests such as billbug, grubs, and sod webworm. We also treat broadleaf weeds and crabgrass in the lawn.

Weed Control Services:

Bareground Sprays Lawn Disease Control Pasture Spraying
Biological Control Lawn Fertilizing Parking Lot Cracks
Driveway Sprays Lawn Pest Control Road Edge Spraying
Flower Bed Weeds Lawn Preemergent Tree Diseases
Fungicide Sprays Lawn Weed Control Tree Fertilizing
Gravel Preemergent Noxious Weeds Tree Pest Control
Landscape Weed Control Parking Lot Weeds Weed and Feed

Common Weeds Treated:

Canada Thistle Henbit Puncture vine
Chickweed Knapweed Purslane
Clover Kochia Russian Thistle
Common Mallow Lambsquarter Scotch Thistle
Crabgrass Morning Glory Spurge
Dandelion Oxalis Teasel
Field Bindweed Plantain Yellow Starthistle
...and many other weeds!


Travis Ulrich, the owner/technician, was born and raised in Lewiston, Idaho. He attended Lewiston High School, graduating in 2000. While his focus in highschool was primarily on automotive technology, he had a life-long interest in the biological sciences - particularly insects. He decided to attend the University of Idaho after graduation and focused on an education in Entomology - the study of Insects.

After receiving his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Entomology from the University of Idaho, he spent several years researching and working with a variety of pests, weeds, and control techniques in agriculture, turf, forests, rangeland, and urban settings. Travis later decided his knowledge, skills, and various experience would best be applied to the pest control industry and, with his wife's support, founded Hayden Pest Control in 2010.

Travis aims to provide exceptional, reliable service at reasonable prices to residents of the Lewis-Clark Valley and surrounding areas. He hopes that his knowledge and 20 years of experience will help assure his customers that their pest or weed problem can be taken care of safely, and effectively. Travis GUARANTEES it. Travis currently resides in Lewiston with his wife Rebecca and their sons Blaine and Brennan.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Hayden Pest Control!

Travis Ulrich - Entomologist

Name: Travis Ulrich
Education: BS/MS Entomology
Hometown: Lewiston, Idaho
License Number: 50974 (ID), 79198 (WA)  
License Categories:
Laws & Safety
General Pest Control
Ornamental Insecticide
Structural Pest Control
Ornamental Herbicide
Agricultural Herbicide
Right-of-Way Herbicide
Structural Pest Inspection



Whether you have your control needs taken care of by us, someone else, or you do it yourself, here is the information you need to prepare for a treatment. Click the links for preparation and post-treatment instructions. Not sure what kind of pest or weed you have? You can try to identify it yourself with these recommended resources, or let the Hayden Pest Control entomologist do it for free! Contact us. Thanks for considering Hayden Pest Control!


Please note that, due to an abundance of spammers, we have removed the contact form.  Please contact us at the phone number above.  Thank you!